Summer Belongs to Everyone – All Bodies are Summer Bodies

Learn to Love Your Body Despite Seeing 'Perfect Body' Stereotype

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

During the summer we are invaded from all sides with advertisements in traditional media, posts and videos on social networks on how to get “the summer body.” You know, the perfect body that has been stereotyped in the world for decades. The perfect body that we have been bombarded with.

Typical consumer culture continues to manage the messages that a summer body is a slim, trim and muscular body. In the case of the gay community, we are reminded we must do the impossible to get that “perfect body,” including exercise routines, miracle diets and the consumption of many other products leading to ‘desired perfection.’

And let’s face it, we’ve all been affected by this consumerist culture about getting the right body to enjoy summer and life. Fortunately, the conversation about body diversity has opened up, becoming more visible, especially on social media.

We must learn to value and love our bodies as they are: natural, imperfect and above all beautiful. And we must learn to stop judging the bodies of others.

That’s why it’s so important to make diversity of bodies visible in the summer. The fact that we don’t have the perfect ‘squares’ on our abdomen doesn’t mean that we don’t deserve to enjoy the beach and feel beautiful.

The reality is that in our community there is an effervescence and interest in aesthetics and body care. Which, mind you, is not a bad thing. But we are wrong in believing that there is only one model of body and we despise anyone who does not fit this imposed profile. We need to look beyond ourselves and our interests, recognize how different we all are. We need to be more empathetic and open our spectrum about how diverse we are.

Let’s understand the “summer body” for what it is: a social construct based on outdated standards of beauty. We need to rethink the definition of it, and change it to simply “All bodies are summer bodies”.

Let’s stop submitting to the stereotypes of summer and instead use it as an opportunity to strengthen our acceptance of ourselves and diversity.

The importance of mental health plays a major role, not only in our self-perception but also in how we perceive our environment, what is sold to us and in other people.

Summer belongs to everyone. We must enjoy it how, where and with whom we want.

Today we celebrate a summer for all, without stereotypes and without aesthetic violence against our bodies.

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

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