Lila McCann, Country Singer, Introduces Fans to Her New Wife, Comes Out

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By Eric Patton
Out & About NashvilleNashville (Tenn.) Country recording artist Lila McCann announced on instagram that she has a new wife in a heartfelt Instagram post made earlier today.


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June is a month to celebrate PRIDE. To say I am PROUD to be married to this woman doesn’t even begin to sum up how I feel about her. Personally, I have been surrounded by love through this whole transition. My family and friends did not judge or persecute me. They met my coming out with open arms. They did not diminish my feelings with their own opinions, even if some personally were (and still are) trying to understand it all. My story is simple and true and for that I am thankful. Thankful for a strong community full individuality and acceptance. I am most thankful though, for a woman who loves me unconditionally and stands beside me as my partner and my equal. However, for so many in our community, this is not the way it plays out. So we stay closeted, judged and scared. Scared to be fully ourselves and scared to love the way we want to love, because we still live in a world that is full of bigotry and hate for things we do not understand. So, please choose to be kind. Choose to try and understand- not just tolerate. Choose to be an ally, not an enemy. Choose to see life through someone else’s eyes. Choose love over hate and compassion over fear. After all… LOVE IS LOVE… and it’s the beginning of everything. Happy PRIDE!! ?️‍?❤️????? #lesbian #shadenevermadeanybodylessgay #outandproud ?by @brookebolingwed

A post shared by Lila McCann (Official Page) (@lilamccann1) on

McCann won fans in the 90’s with tracks like “I Want To Fall In Love” and “Down Came a Blackbird.”

McCann joins other country artists like Chely Wright, Ty Herndon, and Billy Gilman who have come out of the closet in the past few years.

Already, artists from Wright & Gillman, to Leeann Rimes have offered their best wishes!



Congratulations to Lila and her new wife!


Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

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