S.E.T.A.C. presents the Integrated Health Care Program

An informational meeting to introduce the SETAC Wellness Center's New LGBTQ+ Primary Care Program will be held on Saturday, August 3, from 4:00-6:00 pm at Roberto's Restaurant on Basilio Badillo.

An informational meeting to introduce the SETAC Wellness Center's New LGBTQ+ Primary Care Program will be held on Saturday, August 3, from 4:00-6:00 pm at Roberto's Restaurant on Basilio Badillo.

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

SETAC Wellness Center is proud to announce a new program that offers primary care services to LGBT+ temporary and permanent residents of Puerto Vallarta at their center in the Versalles neighborhood. With their medical doctor, Dr. Jorge Ruíz, who is also medical director at Servicios Médicos de la Bahía, they will very soon be able to offer you:

· Primary care or family physician

· Referrals to any specialist

· Place to keep your permanent medical records

· Urgent-care house calls to your residence 24/7

· In-house pharmacy

· In-house laboratory

They will also also offer very competitive prices on medications and lab tests via a new relationship established with independent insurance broker Emmanuel González, they can accept most U.S. and Canadian private medical insurance, although it’s vital to verify your coverage in every individual case. Those who are already members of Lakeside Medical Group are completely able and welcome to use their new services.

An informational meeting to introduce the SETAC Wellness Center’s New LGBTQ+ Primary Care Program will be held on Saturday August 3

On this Saturday they will hold the first informational meeting where they will introduce this program and solicit your questions about your medical and insurance needs so they can tailor the program to the specific necessities of LGBT+ international temporary and permanent residents in Puerto Vallarta.

See you at Roberto’s Mexican Seafood Restaurant as early as 3:30 p.m. to order appetizers and drinks before the meeting starts! Seating is limited to the first 40 residents who arrive!

Date: Saturday, August 3
Time: 4:00-6:00 p.m.
Location: Roberto’s Restaurant, Basilio Badillo #283 (across from Vinos America)

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español