Buzzworthy Queer Headlines with Josh Robbins

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

We have big queer news to cover this week including: COVID-19 and HIV Concerns; A judge just paused a Trump Policy that may affect us all; plus a church just walked away from their domination affiliation and you won’t believe why they did it?

I’m Josh Robbins and this is LGBTQ Health Headlines Presented by O&AN. Thank you for watching!

This episode of LGBTQ Health Headlines Presented by O&AN is sponsored by, Tennessee Homegrown, your one stop shop for creative cannabis products. To enjoy a 20% discount please use o&an during your checkout.

Covid 19 has affected all of us. Whether or not we have contracted coronavirus, known someone that has and hopefully recovered or known people that have been or still are hospitalized or even passed away, few of us were ready or even knew what to do with the fears surrounding this virus. People living with other health conditions rightfully so are all worried how it might affect them including those living with HIV. Recently the HIV Medical Association recently published an updated guide for people living with HIV concerning COVID19 considerations. In their updated report, the top infectious diseases doctors reiterate “there are no data indicating that PLWH will get sicker than people without HIV or will have worse outcomes” but caution “until more data are available heightened awareness for severe disease should be considered for persons with HIV.” They continue their updated report by saying “Consultation with an HIV or infectious diseases specialist is strongly recommended for people with HIV who are hospitalized for the treatment of COVID-19.” And if you do find yourself hospitalized, they recommend to continue HIV antiretroviral therapy as prescribed without interruption.

For more COVID-19 coverage, please visit our special section at

And here are this week’s LGBTQ Health Headlines. A federal judge placed a hold on a Trump administration rule that allows health-care providers to refuse services to queer people on religious grounds. Bloomberg law reports, “In a preliminary injunction issued Wednesday, U.S. District Judge James Boasberg in Washington said the administration failed to consider how the rule would affect access to care, given “substantial evidence” that it would cause LGBTQ patients “to fear discrimination at the hands of religiously affiliated providers.””

A new report called: BREAKING BARRIERS TO QUALITY MENTAL HEALTH CARE FOR LGBTQ YOUTH finds that while the majority of queer young people want access to mental health treatment, many don’t receive it. Why? The report of the survey of queer youth in the US says: Young people often said that barriers such as cost, parental permission, and stigma stand in the way. The research, published last week, was conducted by the Trevor Project, a national organization focused on suicide prevention among LBGTQ teenagers and young adults.

And here are buzzworthy queer headlines:

A Georgia congregation said last week that it has finalized its split from the United Methodist Church after the denomination’s divisive vote last year to strengthen bans on same-sex marriage and ordination of LGBTQ pastors. Asbury Memorial Church’s pastor says that LGBTQ members helped the church grow over the past several years and they are against the Methodist Churches ban- so they just said girl bye to them. Well isn’t that refreshing. Finally some churches standing up for equality. Good luck to them!

Don’t forget this week’s sponsor: TN Home Grown has a special 20% discount code for all of our viewers. The code: O&AN.

I’m Josh Robbins and this was LGBTQ Health Headlines presented by O&AN.

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

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