Vallarta Pride Seeks Parade Registrations for Saturday, May 25

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Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

This year the parade will be held on Saturday, May 25. If you are interested in having a float in the parade you are encouraged to contact organizers via what’s app at this link.

2024 pride parade

In a social media post Vallarta Pride said “We tell you how to register if you want to participate with a float or in contingencies. This year, the Vallarta Pride Parade is immersed in the theme “Sun & the Beach,” and we want YOU to be part of this unforgettable celebration. We invite all participants to let their imagination and creativity fly as we dive into the sunny days and sunsets of the beaches of our beautiful Puerto Vallarta. Imagine cars adorned with brilliant motifs that reflect the colors of the sunset or bright sunny days! Each car will be a unique expression of pride and celebration, a visual manifestation of the beauty and joy of Puerto Vallarta and the LGBTIQ+ community. Do you want to be part of this unique experience? It’s your time!

To participate with a float or in contingencies, just send a message to the following link mentioning that you want to register:

Photos from Pride Parade 2023:

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

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