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The Mexican Council of the Family ConFamilia, an organization that says to defend the family, the “natural marriage” and the right of the children to have a father and a mother, summoned through social networks and blankets in the streets to commemorate the “Day of the fight against Heterophobia”, a day that according to them aims to avoid discrimination of heterosexual people and the perversion of children.
With the phrase “I love being heterosexual!”, A banner placed on a vehicular bridge located on Avenida Revolución and Eje 5, in Mexico City, invites people to commemorate May 27 as the International Day against Heterophobia.
The initiative of ConFamilia, which is defined as the first association of families in Mexico, pluri-religious and without any party commitment, arises in the framework after the commemoration of the International Day of Struggle against Homophobia and the decree of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador that establishes the National Day of Fight against Homophobia, Lesbofobia, Transfobia, and Biphobia. In this framework, a series of actions and commitments were presented by the government to ensure the exercise and recognition of the rights of LGBT people.
In addition, through their social networks such as @confamilia in twitter they invited people to join this May 27 campaign.
El lobby LGBTTTIQ+ pasó de pedir respeto a imponer una dictadura ideológica a través de leyes falaces, donde difundir la verdad y disentir de ellos representa un discurso de odio.
Hoy, la ciencia y la razón retoman el centro del debate, en defensa de la heterosexualidad.
— ConFamiliaMX (@confamiliamx) May 26, 2019
Confamilia, which is part of the dozens of organizations that make up the National Front for the Family, the largest conservative network in the country that opposes the rights of LGBT people and abortion, accuses these actions of the government as a way of reverse discrimination that violates the rights of heterosexual people.
The organization is responsible for bringing in Mexico to the bus of hate in 2017, an orange bus that traveled through different cities of the country making propaganda of hate messages against trans people. The initiative is originally from Spain and was driven by an ultraconservative organization.
Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español