PVGMC Sets Sights for Holiday Performance

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

Well, the Puerto Vallarta Gay Men’s Chorus (PVGMC) is doing it again this year, during Christmas season, that is.

This year’s PVGMC concert includes classics like “Jingle Bell rock ” along with Broadway hits such as “Seasons of love” from the musical “Rent”, as well as “I’m not The only one”.

The PVGMC choir is once again under the musical direction of Poblano director Adrian Fuentes, this time with a few new members  from the States, Canada and Puerto Vallarta.

This year’s PVGMC new  singers include  local tenor Alex Martinez and Dylan Alright, whose Spanish, I must say is totally amazing.  Seasoned musician and entretainer Bing Young accompanies us as well. ¡Y su Español también es excelente!

Puerto Vallartan tenor Luis Ramirez, who has been with PVGMC the longest – along with   Barítono Jeff Luce – are once again belting away this year. The bass section is formed by Sal, Paul and yours truly. Adriana María plays the keyboard with such ease, spirit, and soul, and we are all very much looking forward to seeing you around this Christmas. Stay tuned.

Photos provided by Eduardo Pérez Turner.

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