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Always in search of new artists, the eye of Jean Pierre (Corsica Art Gallery) has known how to recognize and boost the most outstanding talent of the art world in Mexico for decades. Jean, opened the doors to O&APV, to narrate how the gallery was born, how did it grew up and remained for the past 20 years.
Q.- Jean Pierre, how do you diversify Corsica Art Gallery?
A.- I believe in quality, but quality is subjective, many people think that buying something expensive means it is good. I dedicated myself for more than 20 years to assemble the art collections of banks around the world and at the age 22 I made my first collection in Monte Carlo. Now, my eye is like a scanner, I can quickly tell what a piece is all about and if I should include it in the gallery. I also love challenges, unlike other galleries, we make projects to boost young artists and it is truly gratifying to see how quickly they grow and the museums include their work.
Q.- What are the profiles of Corsica Art Gallery customers?
A.- First, they are art lovers, they know what they are bringing home. We have customers who are knowledgeable collectors at our galleries in Punta Mita, Los Cabos and of course, Puerto Vallarta.
Q.- After 20 years of foundation, did you ever imagine that Corsica was going to consolidate for so long in the market?
A.- When we started, everything was a game, I had never sold art or thought I could do it. My partner had studied the subject, but it was just that. A game! … Even though the Puerto Vallarta tourist corridor was small, we began at a store measuring the 500 square meters and it was a hit so we quickly opened the three galleries that we have currently. From the beginning we have done this because we have fun doing it and that changes all the parameters.
Q.- How do you keep alive the essence and spirit of Corsica Art Gallery for two decades?
A.- We are always in search of new artists, in my life I was fortunate to meet several teachers such as José Luis Cuevas, Juan Soriano, Leonora Carrington, among others; There is always something new in art and that I love it. Another fascinating thing is that every time we change the museology, people feel like if they were in a whole new and different space.
Q.- How would you invite the people to come visit Corsica Art Gallery?
A.- I think that if people really want to get an idea of what Mexican art is, the solution is to visit Corsica Art Gallery. As simple as that.
Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español