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By Catherine Caldera
TED-Type Talks Producer
A free, open-to-the-public learning event kicks off this year’s TED-Type Talk Series.
In addition, speakers in the 2018-2019 series will be making short presentations about their talks. Meet the impressive line-up of experts and inspiring minds who will be sharing their insights this season.
Fenyvesi will discuss his work as a Fulbright scholar, studying obesity in Nicaragua, and around the world. His documentary short film seeks answers to the question, “How can the second poorest country in the western hemisphere also suffer from an epidemic of obesity?
Fenyvesi is the author of “Food Sobriety,” a practical weight-loss guide. The 2018 book is also a meditation on themes of social justice, and the role of diet in our changing world. He will discuss the perception of food, influences on food choices, history of diet, and the roles of economics, racism, and culture.
Individual and season tickets for future TED-Type Talks will be available.
TED-Type Talks begin Nov. 20, every Tuesday, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. The first of the regular schedule will be Paco Ojeda, “On Curiosity, Music and Mindfulness.”
Each session includes opportunities for the audience to ask questions, and join in the discussions. Food and drinks are available to order.
All events are at The Boutique Community Theatre, located upstairs at Nacho Daddy, 287 Basilio Badillo.
Tickets for future TED-Type Talks, and information, are available online at Each talk has its own Facebook event invitation, posted on two Facebook pages, and easily found on “Catherine Caldera Productions,” and “The Boutique Community Theatre.”
To suggest a speaker, email
Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español