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Pride month is the most important in the fight for LGBT+ rights since it marks the beginning of the movement in 1969. Sexual diversity is reflected in the number of flags that collectives around the world use to represent.

The first and best known is the rainbow flag, designed in 1977 by Gilbert Baker; War veteran who learned how to sew and who was challenged to create a symbol of pride for the gay community.

His response was the original pride flag, inspired by Judy Garland in “Over the Rainbow.” The meaning of their colors is as follows, according to the specialized site

  • Strong rose = Sex
  • Red = Life
  • Orange = Healing
  • Yellow = Solar light
  • Green = Nature
  • Turquoise = Magic / Art
  • Indigo = Serenity
  • Violet = Spirit

But there are more flags to represent sexual diversity, here is a list of every single one and their meaning: