Clubs and Bars Reopen at Limited Capacity

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

The Mexican state of Jalisco (of which Puerto Vallarta is a part of) has announced new Covid-19 containment measurements, allowing clubs and bars to reopen (they have been closed during the month of August) at limited capacity.

The new measures announced that “as of September 1, Jalisco will apply new measures to promote economic reactivation. Do not forget, all people must use the mask in a mandatory and permanent way in public spaces. ”

The restrictions currently in place say:


  • 25% operation of bars and clubs with hours according to the license
  • Restaurants with a capacity of 50%, hours according to license

Social events: 

  • 150 people closed spaces
  • 300 people open spaces
  • Density 1 person per 7 m2
  • 5 hrs. of event

Suspension of events:

  • of more than 300 people
  • without authorization from the health board


  • 80%, with 50% common areas and bars from 1:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.


  • with 33% capacity outdoors and mandatory use of a mask
The following activities will not be allowed:
  • National Holidays
  • October parties
  • Festivities
  • Religious festivities outside the walls
  • Government reports Public protests (only council)
  • Festivities around these events in person.
“From the government we will continue with the Epidemiological Surveillance and the active search for cases, as well as continuous monitoring for compliance with the action protocols against COVID-19,” the government said. “We urge the people of Jalisco not to lower their guard, maintain preventive measures, all people must use the mask in public spaces in a mandatory and permanent way and isolate themselves in case of presenting symptoms.”

Esta publicación también está disponible en: English Español

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