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For Sewer Drainage Repairs
Drivers beware. Morelos Street, between Leona Vicario and Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, will have restrictions from Thursday, January 23 to Saturday, January 25 due to the urgent repair of a sanitary drainage discharge.
SEAPAL Vallarta has scheduled the closure to vehicular traffic on Morelos Street, between Leona Vicario and Josefa Ortiz de Dominguez, in the Centro neighborhood. The section will remain completely closed starting at 9 a.m. on Thursday, January 23, to free up a lane on Friday, January 24 in the morning and it is expected to eliminate all road restrictions on Saturday, January 25 during the day.
The alternative route for those traveling from south to north will be to go up Jesús Langarica Street to enter Juárez Street, which will be used in both directions and then they will have to go down Mina Street to return to Morelos Street; in addition, public transportation will not be suspended.

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